(847) 960-5700 Ext. 522

Representation of Health Care Organizations

Over the years, we have represented a broad range of health care companies. Our representation of health care companies has included long term care facilities, pharmacies, medical groups, hospice providers, home care companies, ambulance companies and physician practices. We have had great success in often keeping our clients from being criminally charged and in resolving regulatory disputes in a manner that is cost-efficient and successful.

We provide businesses and individual clients advice on a broad spectrum of health care issues including  regulatory compliance, anti-kickback, HIPAA, false claims, tax, Medicare and Medicaid regulations and  conditions of participation, state licensure requirements, professional licensing issues, fraud and abuse prosecutions, operational and legally required regulations or laws relating to patient care, billing, patient consents, information systems, contracts with third-party providers, regulatory appeals, and managed care.

We have assisted our clients in matters involving federal and state government investigations including the United States Attorneys Office, the United States Department of Justice, the Internal Revenue Service, the Illinois Attorney General, the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the Illinois Medicaid Fraud Unit, and the Illinois Department of Public Health.

Based on our experience, a successful and cost-efficient resolution of any case depends on a complete knowledge of the facts.  Thus, our focus in each case is to immediately undertake a thorough investigation of the facts so that an accurate assessment can be made as to how to proceed.  Because we have found that in the health care area, the federal or state government too often has an incomplete understanding of what occurred, our thorough knowledge of the facts often enables us to convince the federal or state government to not proceed with a potential criminal or civil matter.

We have successfully mentored and trained employees in the implementation of voluntary compliance plans for various health care entities to assure compliance with federal, state and local laws, and to eliminate or minimize potential civil or criminal liability.  We implemented compliance plans 20 years before a federal mandate went into effect that required certain parts of the health care industry to implement a compliance program as a condition for participating in the Medicare and Medicaid programs.  What has separated our law firm from others is our ability to provide this representation in a forward-thinking, intellectual, cost effective, and efficient manner.  For additional information about the compliance programs that we have developed, please follow this link.

Stone McGuire & Siegel, P.C.
555 Skokie Blvd, Unit 500,
Northbrook, IL 60062
Phone: (847) 960-5700 Ext. 522
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